A personalized course inAttention Deficit Disordercan be designed, specific to your situation and individual needs, by request. The course takes place via video conference. Courses can be created for, and geared toward, individuals, couples, family, friends, teachers, employees, civic groups, etc.!
Are you:
an individual who wants your family and friends to better understand your situation as it relates to ADD/ADHD?
a partner who wishes your significant other didn't judge your ADD related difficulties as intentional bad choices?
a parent who wishes your child's grandparents didn't criticize your parenting but better understood the challenges in raising a child with ADHD?
a parent whose child has a teacher who "just doesn't get it", and who places unrealistic expectations on your child?
an employer who has ADHD/ADD employees, but is unclear as to how to address the issue in the work place?
involved in a civic group whom you think could benefit from a better understanding of ADD/ADHD?
Whether you are a spouse, employer, parent, fire chief with a station sprinkled with ADHD firemen, or a police chief in charge of a station of officers who encounter every variety of ADD in their work on a regular basis, a course can be developed to meet your needs!