Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder does require multi-model intervention. It is widely accepted that a comprehensive plan involving medical, therapeutic and educational intervention is the most effective for children. In an ideal world, professionals from all three disciplines would cooperate and work together, with their efforts complimenting each other. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case. More often, the mother is thrown into the role of case manager, while she is still trying to learn about the many options within each discipline, and which is best for her child. It often becomes the mother's role to coordinate the intervention; a daunting task when one is new to the process. Once the diagnostic process begins it tends to snowball. The process doesn't stop, or even slow down, so that the Mom can educate herself. Moms often find themselves running between appointments, torn between professionals whose opinions differ among themselves. A Coach will help you through the Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder intervention maze so that you gain, and retain, control of your child's intervention.

For some children the intervention team may include a variety of disciplines and professionals, such as a lawyer, parent advocate, physical therapist, speech therapist, sensory integration specialist, private testing consultant, a therapist, an ADHD Coach, and a psychiatrist. Juggling appointments, processing new information, and maintaining the roles of mother, wife, daughter, friend, co-worker is an overwhelming task. Many moms of ADHD children lose themselves in the process. Let an ADHD Coach help you stay afloat!
Generally, for Adults with ADHD, a psychiatrist, therapist and/or an ADHD Coach is sufficient to provide the intervention needed to help you learn to become the Master of ADHD instead of ADHD being the Master of you.
Please recommend to other moms with ADHD children, teachers, and all who are a part of your child's intervention team.